Driver Safety

Over the last 22 years, Sunbelt has been very successful in creating a culture of safety throughout our operation from the mechanics, to back office personnel, to operations and safety staff, as well as upper management.

We believe that our philosophy of safety should permeate throughout the entire organization and everyone needs to be engaged in making the company safe. Safety is not easy, it takes real work and it has to start with upper management. Safety has to be something you work on 24/7 365 days a year. Technology is a big part of our safety strategy at Sunbelt. We employ a number of technologies in the truck to assist our management of the safety process. Our in-cab communication provider is peoplenet. With this device we are able to employ electronic logs and a consistent platform for driver navigation. We are also able to monitor the speed of our trucks in all types of speed zones as well as receiving alerts for potential problem areas. Our in-cab camera system is Drive-cam, this system allows us to get feedback from driver behavior and we are able to coach drivers and use as a training tool.

We are proud of the culture of safety that is created daily at Sunbelt Transport. At Sunbelt, safety is a way of life!!!